Category Archives: News

Sneezing (재채기) and Hygiene (위생)



3rd Grade Speaking Test 2013


It’s Halloween!

Read our student’s scary stories!

E-Pop Jump!

July 18-25

평소 학습의욕이 있고, 영어회화 학습에 대한 관심이 있으나, 경제적 형편과 기회 부족 등으로 원어민 영어회화 학습이 미진한 학생들에게 다양한 영어 회화 학습 체험의 기회를 제공한다.

Look at our page! 

Restaurant Review: Class 1-2/1-5 B


Prettiest Menu:

윤선아 1-5

지연경 1-5 

김 윤지 1-5

김 수민 1-5

Best Writing:

나애 1-2

유정 1-2

민정 1-2

현민 1-2

현지 1-2

Best Conversation:

김 령언 1-2

윤 새미 1-2

박 소희 1-2

김 지영 1-5

김 예지 1-5

Restaurant Review: Class 1-1/ 1-4 A


Top Class Restaurant:

Su Hyeon 1-1

Da Hyeon 1-1

He He Restaurant:

류 혜원 1-4

김 현지 1-4

김은솔 1-4

최은서 1-4

Best Restaurant:

남 언지 1-1

우 지윤 1-1

Best Conversation – J.S. Restaurant:

진 가연 1-4

신 해민 1-4

Restaurant Review: Class 1-3/ 1-6 A



Park 2 Yeom Restaurant:

박 지연 1-6

박 근아 1-6

엄 다빈 1-6

예 지원 1-6

Zzang Gu & Zzang A Restaurant:

영희 1-3

도연 1-3


Italy Restaurant:

Y.S.W. (Kelly) 1-6

R.D.H. (Katie) 1-3

J.S.A. (Grace) 1-6

K.K.S. (Cecile) 1-6


Restaurant Review: Class 1-3/ 1-6 B


Prettiest Menu:

강 민주 1-3

김 민지 1-3

방 지영 1-3

이 지원 1-3

김 채은 1-3

Best Writing:

최 진진 1-6

김 유리 1-6

최 은진 1-6

Best Conversation:

유진 1-6

민영 1-6

희민 1-6

민솔 1-3

Grade 1 Bulletin Boards

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A new year =  new bulletin boards

Slang 미국속어 #1: “Outta Here” & “In a Bind”


Hyori Lee left for India today to volunteer (자원봉사)  with World Vision, an International Relief Organization (국제구조연맹). She is spending a week in the country to help with charity (자선) activities.

Slang 미국속어

“Outta here”


A phrase (): Someone is leaving.

Example 보기:

1) I’m outta here! See you next week!

2) It looks like Stephan is finally outta here, we will miss him.

Etymology 어원 연구:

This slang comes from the phrase ‘out of here’, which is also used to say that you are leaving (or going out of) this place (or here).

“In a bind”


In a bad situation; in trouble (어려움)

Example 보기:

1) Mike was really in a bind after he lost his cellphone and wallet.

2) Ted was in a bind after Sumin decided she did not want him as a boyfriend.

Etymology 어원 연구:

‘Bind’ means ‘to tie’ or ‘to secure’. The phrase ‘in a bind’ comes from lumberjacks (men who cut down trees). When a saw (톱) gets stuck or caught in a tree, it is ‘in a bind’, or trapped in the wood.

Synonyms 동의어

in a jam